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发表于 2014-11-3 19:31:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  真相究竟如何,ETS和College Board这次为何下这么大的决心要给中韩考生一个警示?这封10月30日《华盛顿邮报》刊登的曼谷考官在11号考试结束后发给ETS的邮件,也许能说明部分问题。






  检查她的手机时,我发现里面满满地都是当天试题的“正确”答案,所有都来自她一个叫Blue Ocean的“朋友”。根据这位考生的供述,这位所谓的朋友即是她所在中国培训机构的老师。后来考生还告诉我们,所有的答案都来自当天早些时候在澳大利亚举行的同一场考试。







  有需求就有市场。而越来越猖獗的作弊行为也在一步步逼近College Board的底线。为了维护考试的公正和权威,College Board对作弊行为越来越采取零容忍的立场,从2007年取消韩国900考生成绩,到2013年首次取消韩国全国范围内的考试成绩,到这次超越国界的推迟公布,制裁越来越严厉。而其中受害最大的其实是那些无辜的诚信考生。



An account of exactly how students cheatedon SAT in Asia

“I have always felt that it is our responsibility as a World IB School to serve the wider community in Bangkok and offer seats to students that wouldn’t be able to take the SAT tests in Thail and otherwise. The College Board simply doesn’t have enough centers here. We havethe facility and staff needed to do this.

On Saturday we tested 130 students. I am not happy to serve test preparation centers in China though. This is certainly organized crime. The 10 Chinese students that tested at our center this Saturday all sat in the same row. They had consecutive regist ration numbers. This indicates that they were registered by one person, probably an officer at a Chinese test preparation center. Included in the test preparation center’s package is probably also visa application, plane ticket, and the option of getting the test answers sent to your mobile phone in the morning before the test. I am sure these guys make a lot of money. They are probably also represented in several countries across the time zones.

The test-taker that was caught had her iPhone hidden under her sport jacket. When we collected students’ phones before the testing began, she said that she had given her phone to her mother in the morning. We don’t strip-search test-takers, so it is impossible to know if they have a phone hidden in their clothes. Her mistake was that she checked the notes on her phone during testing, and one of the proctors noticed it.

As I searched her phone I saw that it was full of messages including theday’s“correct” test answers for each section. These messages were sent from her friends and a person called Blue Ocean, who according to the test-taker, is her teacher at the test preparation center in China. She further said that the answers were taken from a test given earlier that day in Australia.

I tried to call the TAS International phone number given in the SAT Supervisor Manual, but got to talk to an answering machine only.This is certainly a flaw that needs to be corrected. There is nobody who can answer your call outside office hours. I realized that I uncovered an organized crime, and I needed some guidance. Having a look the content of thetest-taker’sphone, and following up on the contact information of the people who distribute the test answers would obviously be extremely valuable for the College Board. Ididn’t feel that I have legal rights to keep her phone, and I certainly don’t want to be the person that makes the decision. Considering the scope of this, Iam sure it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle to have someone onstand-by who can answer the phone and give guidance in case of an emergency when the tests are administered around the world.

I also recommend that the ETS includes a standardized form in the SAT package sent to test-centers where it is stated that the test-taker’s unauthorized device is confiscated due to afraudulent situation and that it will be returned by courier or post after the content has been investigated. The form can then be signed by the supervisor and the test-taker. I would feel more comfortable confiscating a test-takers device this way.

I feel sorry for the test-takers that comeprepared to take the tests in an honest way, and who deserve a standardized,quiet andrelaxed setting. I also want to say that we haven’t seen this kind ofcheating among test-takers in Thailand. They try to work over time sometimes,and go back to previous sections to make changes based on recommendations from their friends during the break, but that’s about it.”(来源:外滩教育)


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